
Creating Disk Image

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Active@ UNDELETE Ver 2.0
See documentation for latest version

How to Create Disk Image

Follow the step-by-step instructions to create disk image:

Create a Disk Image

A Disk Image is a mirror of the contents of a logical drive that is stored in a single file. It can be useful to back up the contents of an entire drive, in order to be able to work with it later. Before starting recovery of deleted files, it might be a good idea to create a Disk Image, if you have enough space. If something goes wrong while recovering files, the original deleted file state will be preserved in the Disk Image.

Follow these steps to create a Disk Image:

  1. In the Active@ UNDELETE main screen, select a drive as an image source.
  2. Click the Create Disk Image button disk image on the toolbar or right-click the selected drive, and click the Create Disk Image command on the context menu.
  3. Select the Disk Image location in the File Save dialog and click Save.
  4. Watch the creation progress and wait while drive's contents are copied to the new location. You can cancel the process of image creation if necessary anytime by clicking Cancel.

The Target Location for the Create Disk Image command must always be specified on other drive.

Configuration file for Disk Images has .DIM extension by default.

File systems FAT16 and FAT32 do not support file sizes larger than 2GB and 4GB respectively. In these file systems is not possible to create a disk image file for a drive as it is likely to grow larger than 2GB (or 4GB). The solution in this case is to use a target location formatted under the operating system Windows NT/2000/XP and NTFS or create Disk Image splitted in chunks by appropriate size.

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