Active@ UNDELETE ver. 2
See documentation for latest version
How to search for deleted Files and Folders
- Check the Windows Recycle Bin to see if the file or folder is there. If it is, use the standard Windows Restore command to recover it from there. If not, continue with step 2.
- If you know where the deleted file or folder should be, you can use direct scan procedure.
- If you are not certain where the deleted file or folder was before it was deleted, try to reduce the size of the search by not searching through those folders on the drive where you know it would not have been.
- Click the Search
button on the toolbar, or right-click the drive or folder and click Search in the context menu.
- Define a search pattern in Filter Files dialog, for example type *.TXT to find all files with "TXT" extension, and check Deleted Only to hide non-deleted files and folders

- By default, the filter pattern is not case sensitive. If you want to make it case sensitive, enable the Match Case check box.
- Click Find. After the search is complete, examine folders on the left that contain matched files
* - All files on the drive or in the folder
*.TXT - All files with "TXT" extension
My*.* - All files starting with "My"
MyFile.txt - Search for the file named "MyFile.txt"
The search pattern is the same pattern recognized when searching in Microsoft Windows.
The asterisk symbol (*) in the pattern means that at this place can be zero or any number of any symbols
The question mark symbol (?) in the pattern means that at this place can be any single symbol.
Deleted files and folders differ from the non-deleted items by icons:
Grey icon means that deleted file or folder has a good chance of recovery.
Black icon means that deleted file or folder has a poor chance of recovery because it has been overwritten (or may be partially overwritten) on the disk.