Active@ UNDELETE Ver 2.0
See documentation for latest version
For the safety reasons, the utility does not allow you to place the restored file into the same drive by default, because a newly created file should not overwrite the file under recovery (or a part of it), or the contents of the other deleted files. Always restore files to another logical, removable, floppy or network drive. However if you do not have a choice, go to configuration and turn on the option that allows you to restore file to the same drive.
In some cases a file cannot be restored completely, because the body of the file or a part of it has been already overwritten (by some other files). In this case a warning message appears
Deleted files and folders differ from the non-deleted items by icons:
Grey icon means that
deleted file or folder has a good chance of recovery.
Black icon means that deleted file or folder has a poor chance of recovery because
it has been overwritten (or may be partially overwritten) on the disk.