
Preview deleted file

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Preview deleted file before recover?

In most of scenarios, to restore a deleted partition you need to do following:

  1. Scan the Hard Disk to find the deleted partition(s), and if any are found then
  2. Select the partition you want to recover and run the Restore Partition dialog. You may scan this partition first to verify its content.

Step 1: Scan Hard Disk for deleted partitions

If a partition was deleted the space on the disk becomes “Unallocated”. You can scan this space to find the deleted partition and retrieve data from it or even restore it back (See How to restore deleted Partitions?).

You can try to find deleted partition even if this partition has been overwritten by another partition and still have a good chance to recover your data from it. In this case, you have to select the Hard Disk to scan.

Step 2: Scan the found partitions to determine which one contains the data you wish restored.


Step 3: Select partition and open "Restore Partition" dialog

Step 4: Set restore options in "Restore Partition" dialog and run restore

The restored partition and its corresponding Logical Drive will appear in Recovery Explorer as well as in Windows File Explorer under drive letter you have assigned.

You cannot restore partition if it is overlapping with an existing partition(s) on a disk.

Only four primary partitions can exist on the same Hard Disk – you cannot restore a partition if restoring it will cause this limit to be exceeded.


Following wizards can accomplish the same tasks using guided step-by-step tools:

See Also:

Restore Partition | More how to tips

Data Recovery

Data Utility

Data Security

Data Backup

CD/DVD Tools